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Questions and answers about the cancellation of the Aletsch Half-Marathon 2020
Here you will find the answers to all relevant questions regarding the cancellation of the Aletsch Half Marathon 2020.
Has the event on 20–21 June 2020 been cancelled?
YES, both the Aletsch Half-Marathon and the Saturday races
Is the event being rescheduled to another date later this year?
When does the next AHM take place?
19–20 June 2021
I paid the race fee. Will it be refunded?
Will my race fee be carried forward to 2021?
Do I have to register for next year’s AHM?
NO. Your start number remains valid. You don’t have to do anything.
How do I know if I’ve registered?
You’ll find the starting list 2021 here. (Starting list 2020)
How will my registration be transferred to the 2021 starting list?
Your registration is carried forward free of charge to 2021. If you cannot enter the race in 2021, please notify us by e-mail (info@aletscharena.ch). There will be no refund in case of cancellation. Your notification should reach us by 1 October 2020.
If you have not received an e-mail, this may be for the following reasons.
The e-mail may have landed in your spam folder. Please check your mailbox again; or you may have registered a different e-mail address with us.
I can’t take part next year, can I transfer my start number to another person?
YES. To transfer your start number to someone else, please use this online form.
The cancellation insurance is not transferable, however.
There is a transfer fee of CHF 10 payable by the other person.
I had cancellation insurance.
The entry fee is not covered by the policy if the event is cancelled, according to the general terms and conditions of the cancellation insurance / ERV.
Does the Aletsch Half-Marathon have event cancellation insurance?
The AHM has no insurance to cover cancellation due to force majeure or a government decision.
What about accommodation costs?
Please contact the hotel or apartment landlord directly to enquire about their reimbursement regulations.